By Published On: November 3, 2023Views: 14851.9 min read

I am a born-again, spirit-filled believer and lover of the Lord Jesus Christ. (You might have read this part on the home page 😊). I honor God in all He does AND he and I aren’t doing anything weird. I love the Word – and God has found a way to marry that with my passion for writing things down. I also love serving – and God has found a way to join that with my passion for design and web development. I love my kids – and God has systematically redeemed much barren land that the enemy had stolen. I see parenting as my first and most important ministry. In that, I’ve taken quite seriously this idea of understanding my woundedness so that I can heal and be better, to them and for them.

In all of that, I am doing a few things. I have created a prayer journal and now am preparing to launch a gospel series, which are also journals but more of a Bible study journal. All available on Amazon, check out my store, here. I served on the school board for my daughter’s school for 2 years before resigning to focus on some of these other things but I still support the school and help out when called. I believe wholeheartedly in the mission of GCA. This is a phenomenal Bible-based, Discipleship-Driven Christian school and I am honored to learn and grow – and watch my daughter learn and grow – alongside these godly people.

Additionally, I started working with Outward Heart in the summer of 2023. OH is an organization that supports Christian ministries at no cost and is completely supported by donors. As of June of 2024 I am full-time in this ministry while offering freelance development services to help supplement my income.

Finally, I am writing and making an effort to live my faith out loud. Messy and imperfect as it may be. My heart is to point to a God who I’ve experienced. A God who loves you, for real and wants all of your realness. I want to be brave enough to say things out loud that encourage you to be brave enough to say your things to Him, in prayer, and through your own journaling.

God Bless!


About the Author: Amber Rockey

Writer. Journal Creator. Web Developer. Saved by the power of the blood.