Younger Me

There's something I’ve realized lately, in how I treat my younger self with disdain. Today I text my mom and asked her if she could send me some pictures of myself as a kid at different ages. I almost cannot remember what I looked like then. When I think about it, I know I’ve actively tried to forget because that me felt so unloved, [...]

By |2024-03-05T21:34:18-05:00August 7, 2023|Stories|0 Comments

Bring it into the light.

Pastor Ben has been preaching about abiding in Christ and abiding in the Word. This past Sunday I think I know what it’s going to be about (part two of how to be successful in my anointing) and then spends the first 20 minutes talking about letting go of and surrendering your sin. Specifically about things that are kept in the dark. And I [...]

By |2024-03-06T00:34:56-05:00August 22, 2022|Stories|0 Comments

This is what I’m listening to, if you were wondering….

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